Wednesday, May 25, 2005

a short short

it's interesting the things that randomly will come to me. I wrote this little bit about a friend of mine. I haven't seen him in a few years (bless those 19 years that leave it all behind to serve) but this piece is about him. it's short--we were mimicing another piece that was about 2 paragraphs long. this is what I got

He'd always open the door for everyone, no matter where we were going, or who we were with. He would talking, the random stories constantly flowing from his mouth, directly from his brain. The connections of thoughts were made like his brain made them, which meant we had no idea how he got from the family dinner he had yesterday, to taking his dog to the vet, to the movie we watched two years ago.
There was no interrupting him, and no one knew where his next sentence would lead, but I knew that no matter what he had to say, if his arms were full of something, or even when they were empty, his foot would still rise and kick the door open.

At first I really struggled. I wanted to find a moment and compress it down as tight as possible, so tight that it would squeak. This isn't tight enough for me yet, but it is just a moment, written in just a moment one could say. that's what I want to convey.
I think I decided to try my rooftop loneliness for submission, that one has good concrete things in it, and I've gotten some ravs in class from that piece. I'm going to combine it with another one I wrote I think--well, eventually I will, but I think right now it's stronger on it's own. Maybe sometime I could create a compilation of lonely/wandering pieces. that would be cool.
well, that's enough for today. I have something I wrote posted, and that's what I've been trying to do, at least one thing every day, so that'll get me writing more.

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