Sunday, October 02, 2005

12 tasks

for those of you that write and read all this jazz, here's an interesting assignment I'm working on, and should *crosses fingers* get a poem out of it

1st stanza:
1-start with something doing something impossible
-the moon fell down on the sidewalk
2-Continue that picture for us. . . .
-and broke like a hen's white egg
3-4-In the next two lines, use two of your senses to describe where or when or how this is happening, and try mixing the senses up. . .
-the summer was brown and dry, but it's music
felt soft on my arms.
5-describe yourself in a weird way. . .
-I was small, and I wore a small hat.
6-Make the 'I' say something he/she desired
-I wanted nothing more than to dance on my neighbor's green lawn.

2nd stanza:
7-Make an assertion that sounds true but couldn't be. . . .
Because the Earth's core was cooling, animals felt the urge to wander.
8-Now make a truer assertion. . .
Maybe the core wasn't cooling, but I felt a coolness in my wife.
9-Write a line describing another part of your settling, using one or two of the senses,
The night stilled, settling like sugar on our yard.
10-Then repeat the initial image in line 1, but change it in a noticable way.
The moon rose up on her elbows and shook out her long blonde hair.
11-Now write a line that seems to continue the story of mood.
12-but cross it out and make it the title of the poem instead (ha! I like that)

that's what I'm working on for poetasters this week, but the stuff up there isn't mine (I wish I was, I like the moon image, and the sugar one)

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