Monday, August 29, 2005

Cultivator of extreme elements

Have you ever heard of a grockle of geckos? I didn't think so. . .I haven't either, but I was given the assignment to create a list of 10 animals and what their group would be called. Talk about frustrating! I can think of animals, but creating their names? here's what I came up with (thanks to some wierd words webpage)
-a cord of snakes
-a bowlder of bears
-a desinary of seagulls (I'm unsure of this one still)
-a swallop of bullfrogs
-a grockle of geckos
-a nipper of robins
-a swazzle of whales
-a jaru of emu (what's the plural form?)
-a fusty of penguins
-a lacky of geese

then we did some word compounds and an epithet. each rather hard but it gave me a great phrase, which I like a lot and need to find a home for

"Following a grockle
of geckos through the heat-stained
boulders, the cultivator
of extreme elements toys
with lightning bolts."

ah, it sure feels good to finally be writing a bit again

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