Sunday, September 04, 2005

City Weekly's poetry contest

well, not just poetry, but that's what I'm submitting. it's actually fiction, essay, and poetry (but not creative non-fiction, think that falls under essay? I'm not sure. . .)
anyway, here's what I'm thinking about submitting:


You overflow into
my brain, push,
press, tap, bleed down
my spine spreading
out like the apsen
tree that takes
over our front
yard. I spray weed
killer, pull, chop,
mow to get
rid of new
sprouts. The green
still broke
through the dirt.
You push
out through my eyes,
clear and wet,
drip down my
face, fall over
my teeth, expressing
yourself in my words.

The title, I'm unsure about, my prof recommended it, since it's the secondary shoot starting from the base of the plant, and it kinda fits in, but I'm not sure yet. the line breaks I'm still playing with as well, but for now, I kinda like it.
and can I just say, I'm reading "White Oleander" again, and it's still one of the most poetic books I've read in a while, I can open almost any page and find something that's just amazing. "At Christmas time, it was hot again, and smog lay thick over the Valley, like a vast headache over a defeated terrain, abscuring the mountains" (p. 177) ok, so I admit, that's not the best, but that's pretty good. Vast is a good word, I like it.
I was also given an assignment for my current poetry class, assigned three words (and I had to give up my 3 words) and I hate them already. off the top of my head, I had parole, bastard, and life-sentence, or something like that. Granted, since they all go together I can pull something out of a hat, but I hate swear words, I hate them with the passion of a thousand spaniards, and now I have to write a poem, and put my name by it that has that word in it. Oy, as soon as this assignment gets turned it, that word is gone, shoot, the whole poem might even be gone. . .good thing it's labor day weekend, and I can work something out tomorrow.
anyway, if anyone's interested in submitting something to City Weekly, it must be shorter than 1,000 words, and be in their office by 5pm on sept. 7th to
City Weekly's
7th Annual Literary Contest
248 South Main Street
SLC, UT 84101

and I bet you can find the rest of the info online, because I don't want to type anymore tonight. I hope with labor day mine will get there on time. . .

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